Vlogger is a logging tool that you can pipe your Apache logs to. The logs will be broken down by virtual hosts and days. To do this, you need to put just one CustomLog directive into your global Apache configuration. I had two downsides to using Vlogger. One was that I could not use logrotate to trigger AWstats. The other is that old log files are not compressed.
Vlogger by default creates log files with names like these:
AWstats is flexible enough to allow for this naming convention (MM/DD/YYYY). In your site’s configuration file for AWstats you’ll need to set the LogFile value as such:
This is simply the month minus 24 hours, the day minus 24 hours and the year minus 24 hours. Now that we have AWstats set to work with the log files generated by Vlogger we need to create a shell script that can manage the task for us via cron. Here is one I created that seems to be working quite nicely:
#!/bin/sh logdir=/var/log/apache2 yesterdaysdate=`/bin/date -d "1 day ago" +%m%d%Y` lastweeksdate=`/bin/date -d "7 days ago" +%m%d%Y` cd ${logdir} debug_out() { if [ "$1" = '-debug' ] || [ "$1" = '-d' ]; then echo "$2" fi } for directory in * do # does the site (ServerName) directory exist and is there a matching awstats config file? awstatsconf="/etc/awstats/awstats.${directory}.conf" yesterdayslog="${logdir}/${directory}/${yesterdaysdate}-access.log" lastweekslog="${logdir}/${directory}/${lastweeksdate}-access.log" lastweekscompressedlog="${logdir}/${directory}/${lastweeksdate}-access.log.gz" if [ -d ${directory} ] then linebreak=0 if [ -f ${awstatsconf} ] then # update statistics linebreak=1 debug_message="executing: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=${directory} -update > /dev/null" debug_out "$1" "${debug_message}" /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=${directory} -update > /dev/null fi # is there a log for yesterday? If so then compress it. if [ -f ${yesterdayslog} ] then linebreak=1 debug_message="executing: gzip -q ${yesterdayslog}" debug_out "$1" "${debug_message}" gzip -q ${yesterdayslog} fi # is there a log for this day last week? If so remove it. if [ -f ${lastweekslog} ] then linebreak=1 debug_message="executing: rm -f ${lastweekslog}" debug_out "$1" "${debug_message}" rm -f ${lastweekslog} fi # is there a compressed log for this day last week? If so remove it. if [ -f ${lastweekscompressedlog} ] then linebreak=1 debug_message="executing: rm -f ${lastweekscompressedlog}" debug_out "$1" "${debug_message}" rm -f ${lastweekscompressedlog} fi if [ ${linebreak} = 1 ] then debug_out "$1" "" fi fi done exit 0
The above script can be called manually with -debug to see the steps being taken. The script will look for directories in Apache’s log directory and use their names when running AWstats. After AWstats has ran the file is then compressed. Files older than 7 days are removed but this can be adjusted as needed. Place this script in an area where it can be executed on your server such as /usr/local/sbin/awstats and make it executable (chmod 755). Then you’ll need a cron job to run this script daily like this:
0 4 * * * /usr/local/sbin/awstats &> /dev/null
And there you have it.
easy way is disable vlogger rotation
-n param
Thanks for the tip! I wasn’t trying to disable it though. I just wanted the logs compressed after having them parsed with AWStats.
Hello Dave,
Starting from your idea, I wrote a fully automated script creating a conf file for each of the vlogger directories and executing awstats for each site found.
I dont use the vlogger -n feature.
Here’s the code:
# this program will scan the logs created by vlogger,
# create an awstat configuration file for each of them
# and then execute an update of the awstats statistics
# it assumes that vlogger rotation is disabled (-n option)
# a good way is to rotate the logs with logrotate and run
# this program in the prerotate directive
# this shold be done if you dont want to lose any record in the rotation
# you can run this program as often as you need as a cron job
# Apache log facility setting:
# LogFormat “%v %h %l %u %t “%r” %>s %b “%{Referer}i” “%{User-Agent}i”” combined
# CustomLog “| /usr/sbin/vlogger -n -s access.log -t access.log /var/log/apache2” combined
# This program is based on the idea from dave
# http://davelozier.com/2008/06/20/awstats-vlogger/
# check if we are the only running instance of the program
[ -e “${LOCK}” ] && exit 0
touch “${LOCK}”
# if a log directory exists in /var/log/apache and this site has no awstat conf file
# create it awstat.sitename.conf
cd $logdir
for directory in *
# does the site (ServerName) directory exist and is there a matching awstats config file?
if [ -d ${directory} ]
if [ ! -f ${awstatsconf} ]
# create configuration file
printf “Include “%s”nLogFile=%snSiteDomain=%snDirData=%snDirCgi=%sn”
$cgidir/$directory > $awstatsconf
#create logging directory
mkdir $datadir/$directory
# execute all updates found in $confdir
# this allow to execute manually added stats configuration files for sites not logged in the $logdir directory (smtp, ftp for instance)
cd $confdir
for conffile in awstats.*.conf
# extract sitename from $conffile
sitename=`echo $conffile | awk ‘BEGIN {FS=”.”} {i=2; while (i < NF) {if (i<(NF-1)) printf(“%s.”,$i); else printf(“%s”,$i); i++; }}’`
# update stats
/usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=$sitename -update
#change ownership of stats data in order to allow the direct update from web interface (parameter AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser)
chown -R $apacheUser.$apacheGroup $datadir
#remove lockfile
rm “${LOCK}”
exit 0
Hey Guy! Thank you for this script.
I’ve got some work to do this coming weekend with which this will make much easier.
Cheers 🙂